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Green Aventurine

 Stimulate your heart chakra to infuse love into your energy and open yourself up to divine connection with yourself and those around you. Green Aventurine will lead the path to abundance and opportunity as you release negativity and energy blockages. Use this yoni egg to beautifully guide you through the process of shedding blocks around your heart chakra so you can hold space for a fresh spiritual awakening

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Meet the CEO

Curator & Manifestor of Yoni Adore & The Womb Castle. Shannelle known as Nelley Love, Haitian American Womb wellness educator and womb coach.

Nelley Love shares her amazing Haitian lineage, wisdom and cultural traditions that have been passed down to her from mother to daughter for many generations. Nelley Love has created a community of Goddesses, holding space as they work through conscious and unconscious trauma surrounding the Womb. Nelly has guided over 200 women on their Womb Journey. Guiding goddess into their limitless power to heal and manifest.

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